Context Book - Research

Initial ideas for my Context format

Paper and materials, techniques and processes are what interest me, so a printed publication was the obvious choice for me to focus on, as I really enjoy making books by hand too, so this would be the method of creating my book too.

Layout Ideas
Simple, straight clean lines and plain, neat geometric layouts. I would like to stick to a grid and template for the whole book and would like to use the same layout throughout to create a cohesive look to the design. I would also like to incorporate paper cut typography into the book in some form, whether this be the titles, the cover or the packaging the book comes in.

I would like to package my book in a way suitable to the content and in a way that is appealing to my audience. As I enjoy materials, technique and processes along with creating quality products, I would like to create a kind of gift box that my book can be packaged in, to give it that quality feel and a focus on materials.

Plain, simple, geometric and angular - similar to the effect you can get from paper cutting.