Guardian Booklet

I bought the guardian this weekend and there was something that came free with it.......The Guardian's Great Fairy tales supplement. The illustrations in the first booklet are by Laura Barrett and are silhouette style paper cut designs. This changed my mind immediately and instead of creating an illustration for the guardian weekend supplement, i have decided to recreate the fairy tale booklet. From illustrating the stories, right down to laying out the body copy of them and printing it out and binding it.

After i had my tutorial with Joe, he recommended that i look into creating more publications, plus it links with my dissertation topic and my personal interests, so he suggested that i push my briefs more into that direction. Also i have been trying to think for a loooong time now, about what i want to illustrate and i always come back to fairy tales and myths/legends. I would like to develop illustrating these themes and i think this is the perfect brief for this, while also feeding my interest in creating small publications.